There are many advantages to attending trade shows, including gaining knowledge of new trends, stimulating new ideas, and even meeting other resellers and vendors you can connect with and learn from. However, one of the biggest struggles at a tradeshow can be attracting people to your tradeshow booth.
1. Create a game. One way to draw people to your booth is to create a game. A game can be anything from guessing the number of items in a container to a prize wheel. The benefit of games is that people love to engage, and it is an easy way to break the ice if you are not used to attending tradeshows.
2. Offer free Wi-Fi. Trade shows can be a hard place to find good Wi-Fi, so offering free Wi-Fi to your guests can be a benefit. Offering free Wi-Fi will require the guests to interact with your business by requesting a Wi-Fi code, and then it gives you the chance to further communicate with them and start building a relationship.
3. Be small and personal. Finally, being small and personal can draw customers to your display. Being small is not about having the smallest booth, but it does mean optimizing your layout so that however much space you have feels comfortable to your visitors. This is also the best time to present them with promotional materials, such as pens and notebooks they can use while attending the tradeshow.
One of the hardest things to accomplish at a trade show is leaving a memorable impression on your audience so they can remember you after the event is over. Select swag that resonates with your organization, it's fun, useful and creative.